Can you make a claim?
If you’re thinking of claiming compensation, we’re here to help
Make a claim enquiry now
If you’re thinking of claiming compensation, we’re here to help
The Injury Claim Calculator Tool
If you've been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you could be legally entitled to compensation.
With the right lawyer fighting your case, you could not only receive remuneration for your injury, but you could also claim back your loss of earnings, medical fees, travel expenses and damages to your personal property.
Our tool is designed to give you an idea of how much you could claim. The figures shown are guidelines from a minor injury to a severe or life-changing injury. To find out how to start your personal injury claim, simply fill in our short form to make your FREE enquiry today.
The Injury Compensation Calculator refers to the Judicial College Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases 17th edition, published March 2024 by Oxford University Press. The general and special damages you receive will ultimately be calculated according to the circumstances of your case. General damages compensation awards vary according to the severity of injury and how quickly you recover.
The Compensation Claim Report calculation includes the 10% uplift in general damages in line with the Jackson reforms recommendation for claims funded by a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). Cases initiated before 1st April 2013 may receive 10% less in general damages than indicated in the calculator.
Every attempt has been made to make all information contained in the report as accurate as possible. However the calculator tool is intended as a guide only.
A solicitor will need to collate more information about your situation to be able to give you a more detailed idea of a potential settlement amount as well as how likely you will be to win and how long it could take to receive compensation based entirely on your own personal circumstances.
Let us help you with your personal injury claim today
Fill in the quick 1-minute form
A friendly claims advisor will contact you to discuss your case
Usually within the next 24 hours
Free, no obligation referral service.
If you’ve suffered an injury in the past three years that wasn’t your fault, you could make a claim and receive compensation for your pain and distress.
Make your enquiry now – and get a claims expert on your side